Welcome to ICTT_2016
ICCT_2016 offers a worldwide and unique forum to exchange the ideas and thoughts by presenting their latest researches
and findings on the application of information and communication technologies to tourism.
Now, it is calling for papers to prepare the conference. Welcome to submit your papers to ICTT_2016.
Issues to be covered at the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
••Advanced Distribution Systems and Strategies
••E-Marketing and Social Media Strategies
••E-strategy and e-Business models
••ICT Adoption, Use, and Value Creation
••ICT and Tourism Experience
••ICT for Innovation and Service Design
••ICT for Regional Development and Sustainability
••Internet-of-Things and Smart Destinations
••Legal and Social Aspects of ICT
••Location-based Services and Context-Aware Systems
••Mobile Services and Wearable Technologies
••Networking, Social Media and Social Inspiration
••Travel Information Search and Retrieval
Information for authors of papers
To upload abstract/paper
.To upload abstract click here .
.The abstract can be in Polish or English, the full text has to be in English.
.Abstract must be uploaded by 25. 09. 2016. Abstract length is between 100 to 200 words.
.Information about acceptance or rejection of your abstract will be sent to you by 27. 09. 2016.
.Full paper in English must be
upload into the electronic system 10. 09. 2016. Length for a final paper is minimum 8 pages in A4 format.
See the template.
.Reviewers' comments to your paper will appear after you have signed in to the conference system after 15. 10. 2016.